Virtual and In-person in Victoria, TX


Christ-Centered Yoga Sessions and Memberships

Kids Parties and Private Sessions

Corporate Wellness Sessions and workshops

Restorative Mini-Session to Try At Home

Book YOUR Session Here

Book YOUR Session Here

  1. Scroll through the classes below and choose the class you want to try. Click “Book.”

  2. Scroll down to and select “Packs.” Select “Try for $1.”

  3. Make your account and book the class.

  4. Arrive at your session in your comfy clothes. You can bring a mat or use one of mine.


Let your mind be soothed.

Your body moved.

Your heart renewed.

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What my clients have experienced…


“I have been taking zoom yoga lessons with Linda for about a month. I was unsure how I would like zoom sessions because I prefer in person for the personal connection. But due to COVID continuing to change the way we are able to live our every day lives, I was looking exclusively for online restorative yoga sessions for pain management and emotional release. I was blessed to find Linda DeVries of Restored Soul Yoga. She has a Christian yoga practice and uses scripture throughout the session and we finish with a quick prayer, which I love. I highly recommend Linda!!”

— AA

“The restored soul yoga class made me feel great afterwards. I liked the deep breathing while strengthening core muscles in easy to do poses. The relaxing ending to the series of stretches made me feel ready to tackle the day ahead. The restoration exercises were effective in many ways for my sore back. The readings helped me meditate on the wisdom of the Bible.”

— DW